Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Step 4: Your social life and you

First of all, again I apologize for not keeping up. My life has been really busy and I just haven't had the time to update. That aside, I'm here so it's time to talk. Anyway, this blog will not be as regular because these are just the basics of college life as told by a not-so-typical college guy and I find myself running out of things to talk about. Today I will talk about social life, probably the most important aspect outside of classes and keeping that GPA above a 3.5.
I would like to start out by saying that throughout the course of my life, I was not exactly the most social person in the world. In high school I didn't get my driver's license until I was about 17 and most of my friends lived a few miles away. Let's just say I wasn't one of those kids with people to hang out with in the neighborhood. Couple this naturally antisocial behavior with an all-guys high school and you get one socially awkward shithead who decided to apply to Texas A&M University, one of the biggest schools in the state.
A socially awkward 18-year old from an all-guys high school gets put in a co-ed environment with some very attractive girls. Of course I'm gonna stare. This eagerness to get to know every single attractive girl I saw (which at A&M there are a lot) made me even more awkward but let me just tell you my advice from experience before I turn this post into a damn autobiography.
First of all, when it comes to girls (if you're a guy), don't come on too strongly. Girls, I can't give much advice since I'm a guy. Be casual, be yourself. One of the things people always told me was that I kept trying too hard to be a bad boy. Yes, that is true but also I didn't really know who I was if you get what I mean. And if you don't, then you better damn well find out. The key thing is just be yourself and you should be fine. Everyone else is probably in the same boat.
Join clubs. I mean Texas A&M has an orientation program called Fish Camp that basically gives you an initial support group but that eventually falls apart. Join organizations or even if you can, get to know people in your dorm or apartment or whatever. You might meet some really close friends (which I have) or find true love (which I haven't). You might even go to some really cool parties (A&M doesn't really have any since it's not a "party school").

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